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Please enjoy the photos. If you have any questions, please reach out to us. 

Izzy, Penny and Ava are our dogs here on the farm Izzy is a German shepherd, Ava is a Boarder collie, and Penny is a Lab/Heeler cross. 

King is one of two of our barn cats. He came to us through a neuter and release program. Hes a super cool cat, and he is a fabulous hunter!


Hemi is our 18 year old American Quarter horse. I've had her, her entire life. She is a great all around horse I've roped with her, run barrels, sorting and team penning, she is also a Great trail horse. We have even performed with our local drill team Total Chaos. Hemi is one of those Once in a life time horses. She is my rock and I'd be lost with out her. 


(Below) Is JK Brave Merida. (Merida) She is a 3 year old American Quarter horse. She is an absolute joy to work with and I cannot wait to see where her path leads. Every time I ride her I fall more and more in love with this mare. 

Bell Goat.jpg

Goats. We have a lot going on here. We have EXPANDED our goat herd this year! We have Belle and Clara, Mother and Daughter, Nubians. 
Belle also kidded out triplets buckling's this year, Peanut, Butter, and Jelly. It was a great delivery! All three boys thrived! They are gearing up to head to freezer camp soon.
We also purchased some Boar goats. A buck we call Chip, and two Does, Coco and Marsha. 

All of our Does have now been exposed to chip and we should be expecting a new crop of kids starting in February of 2024! I cannot wait to introduce all these new babies and offer them for sale to you! 


We lost our dear sparky this past summer (2022) He was a great dog, and lived an extremely full life. Rest easy old friend .

Lilly, the donkey. Came to us through a friend. She is the matriarch of the farm and keeps an eye over everything that goes on. She is super special to us, and possibly the best donkey ever. 
Since originally creating this page, we have gifted Lilly to a very good friend of our who has an old friend of Lilly's. Our friend was searching for a donkey to keep her horse company, and since Lilly and Louis already knew each other we chose to reunite them. It was magical and emotional. 

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